The Ancestors Rejoice
in the Faeries as a tribe
of Radical Adventurers
moving beyond Pride
and into the Power found inside
through connecting to the elements
to the plants and trees
to rivers, lakes and seas,
through the sharing of the heart
and expression of our arts
through the merging of our genders,
marriage of the god and beast,
gathering in circles
and making a life a feast
of love, music, magic –
we are the children of the Goddess
and all mystics that went before.
When we gather, we learn to fly
and how to open doors
that re-unite the worlds
and reveal to us who we are:
the walk-between people
the liminal ones
genderless or genderbending –
diving deep before transcending –
sun-eyed and summoning the dawn.

When we once more meet together
our drums and hearts will beat as One
for people waking from the nightmare
we are a sign that the new world has ~ already ~ begun.