Qweaver Reflections on Imbolc gathering & Albion Faeries

This year’s Imbolc gathering was a literal rebirth for me. After my long journey with chronic pain and spine surgery, it was wonderful to be able to share energy, touch, mirth, music and magic. When we speak our truth and are heard, when we learn to balance individual and community needs, there’s no limit to what we can manifest. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Here are a few reflections I’d like to share, sparked by many conversations at the farm.

Growing pains are natural and welcome – they are our teachers.

Community is always work in progress and messy – and this is good.

Our spaces for growth are where we show up in community, seek to heal fractures experienced by the community and expand what we can be together. We can best serve our evolution by focusing energies on our gatherings, diversifying the types of gatherings, placing magic at the centre of gatherings and using gatherings to more fully engage faeries in wider community matters.

Social media is not faerie space!

Safety at gatherings allows healing and is challenging – it takes time, focus, learning/unlearning, sustained effort.

Taking responsibility for personal behaviour at gatherings is courageous. Enabling this, without punishment or fear of exclusion, and with genuine support for change, is radical. Take a breath with me. “There are no rules in faerie space” cannot mean one fae’s freedoms override the freedoms of others. If this is a difficult thought, that is good: it should be, for it is where “community” stops being a word and becomes a transformational power. Take another deeper breath and allow this reflection to settle. So we grow.

We plant our feet

Bring forth good soil

Smile and frown

As if promised more

By skies that stretch to nowhere

Make shivers of stars

Shared breath

Into this beauty.

With love Qx