Tag Archives: edward daniel

Poetry by Edward

Poem: I shall not stand by

And next time you care 
To belittle my beloved
I shall not be so 
Choice with my words
I shall not stand by
The frontlines
While you obliterate 
Those that mean
You no harm
I may be reserved
I may appear meagre
But when I aim my words
They shall go in for the 

Edward Daniel (c) 
(Dedicated to one of my beloved’s Rory – This poem is taken from my first poetry book out in 2020 – “Renaissance: My Beloveds”)
Coming Home: The Birds
You use and abuse
And then toss him aside
As your plaything
You have no emotions
You have no feelings
You merely take advantage
You used him as your rebound
You took account
Took account that he was besotted with you
And now you just run to him
When you want to get your rocks
When you want to let a little steam off
I see the facade
The facade you wear
And only now is he beginning to see
The birds are returning
They are returning
For it is time to come to roost
Edward Daniel ©