The call is available in several languages.
Featherstone castle, August 8-17 2017
* EVENT NOW ENDED – Read feedback here…*
We call to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer People: healers, shamans, visionaries, storytellers, truthtellers, artists and activists to join hands and hearts to celebrate and explore who we are as a global queer conscious community!
The world is changing rapidly. We are more globally interconnected than ever before in the history of humankind. Despite our technological progress, our social and political situation is challenging in many corners of the world. How will our international family of queer people step up and claim our freedom and security and human rights, our meaningful and valuable place in society?
We’ll meet in a romantic English castle for a nine-day gathering of Radical Faeries and activists from around the world to celebrate our virtues as a people and explore the state of LGBTIQA+ liberation and wellness.
Enquiries to
Queer people of every culture on the planet joining together!
Let us consider and articulate the gifts we possess and the crucial role we play in contributing to all cultures around the globe. Where are we respected and honored? Where and why are we misunderstood and oppressed? What strategies can we create to connect our queer spirits and form a worldwide network of loving companions? What support would we appreciate and what support can we offer to each other?
Through sharing our stories and celebrating our strengths, let’s co-create a planetary wave of love and consciousness and recognition for all LGBTIQA+ people. Come and add your voice!
Who are the Faeries?
Faeries have been gathering and creating heart-centered community for over 30 years. We use the word Faerie to highlight the sacred link between our sexuality, nature, spirituality and realms of consciousness.
We explore the roots of who we are as same-sex loving and/or gender non-conforming people and the unique perspective on life that we offer as a mirror to society. We meet to deepen connections with each other and the earth and to celebrate the emergence of queer people as storytellers, rite preservers, ceremonial leaders, soul healers, community builders and transformation agents for the whole world.